Frequently Asked Questions


If you have any additional sales questions please email

No. When you purchase Yeti it is a one time payment for a permanent license of the latest release of Yeti.

Please see the licensing FAQ below for more details.

Yes. Please refer to our Trial Request page for more details.

Yes. We offer a 65% discount on all Yeti Studio and Yeti Studio Render licenses for qualifying educational institutes.

The terms for educational license(s) is as follows:

  • granted license shall be used for non-commercial educational purposes only
  • granted license shall only be used inside of the assigned location for the license server provided
  • granted license shall only be used by the students and/or instructors at the designated location
  • support will be provided for up to 2 people at the designated location, these are the point people for support needs (usually instructors) and all communication with Peregrine must funnel through them.
  • this agreement and any others do not supersede Peregrine’s EULA which all applicants must adhere to alongside the Educational License Agreement

If eligible please complete our online educational license agreement, once our team has reviewed the submission a discount code will be issued for our online store.

We do not invoice or send quotes for educational licenses.

No. We don’t offer discounts for individual students - only for qualifying educational institutes, Yeti Indie licenses are available at an affordable rate.

Yes. Any new license purchased will be for the current release of Yeti, these are backwards compatible with previous versions.

So if you purchase a 5.0 license you can use it in your 4.x (or earlier) based production.

Yeti 5.0 is a major release which means a new license will be needed - upgrades can be purchased via our online store.


If you have any additional licensing questions please refer to our comprehensive FAQ or reach out to

Yes. All Yeti licenses are permanent entitlements, if a 5.0 license is purchased it may be used for any 5.x release or earlier.

If a new version of the product is released then an upgrade license will need to be purchased to be able to use it.

Usage of Yeti Indie is limited to the following:

  • The annual gross revenue of a licensee, whether commercial or contracting, does not exceed $100,000 USD (or local equivalent).
  • Licensee will be limited to a maximum of 2 Yeti Indie licenses in total.
  • The licensee must be working independently and shall not use a Yeti Indie license in a pipeline with other Yeti Indie or Yeti Studio licenses, whether those licenses are held by the purchasing entity, other individuals, businesses or organizations.
  • Yeti Indie licenses may be transferred between the purchasing entities own machines once per year without incurring a cost.
  • More than one license transfer per year may incur a cost equal to half a new Indie license, left to Peregrine Labs sole discretion on application.

Studio license consists of 1 interactive and 5 render floating (sharable within your studio) licenses and include full support.

An Indie license is node locked to a single machine with 1 interactive and 1 render license, they have limited support along with restrictions on commercial use.

Yes. Indie licenses use the exact same distribution as the Studio licenses, any scenes created and edited with an Indie license can be shared for use by a Studio license and vice versa as long as the commercial use restrictions are being met.

No. The Indie license is node locked to a single machine and isn’t able to migrate between machines, so if you’ve purchased a license for your workstation you won’t be able to use it on a laptop.

Please complete our license transfer request and our team will respond as soon as possible.