Yeti loves Unreal
Over the past few months we have had the pleasure of working with the Epic team on integrating their new Unreal Hair and Fur spec into Yeti which is now publicly available in our 3.5.4 release.
Based on Alembic, an industry standard file format, it provides a more structured description of a groom that may be used with the new hair components in the latest 4.24 release of the Unreal Engine.
We’ve added a few ways of exporting these Unreal Engine compatible Abc files to Yeti including the new -exportUnrealAbc argument for pgYetiCommand that will export the selected Yeti node, as well as an Export Unreal Abc menu item to the main Yeti menu.
Additionally, we’ve introduced the concept of a “live” Alembic export – this means that as you groom in Yeti the Alembic file will be dynamically updated to provide faster feedback in engine.
Please refer to the documentation for more details.