Bokeh has a new home
After 12 years developing and supporting Bokeh we are excited to announce the product has found a new home with Foundry.
Foundry will be integrating Bokeh into their upcoming Nuke releases across the whole product range giving Nuke Indie and Nuke Non-Commerical users access for the first time.
We are extremely grateful for all our customers and the artists that have used Bokeh over the years and happy that we have been able to ensure a long life for the product with the world class team at Foundry.
Both companies are keen to ensure the transition is smooth and uninterrupted.
Moving forward, Foundry will be integrating and supporting Bokeh starting with Nuke 13.2v6 and Nuke 14.0v2 and Peregrine will maintain support for Nuke 13.2 and earlier releases until December 31st, 2023.
Any customers with an active license, or one that has expired after November 1st, 2022, are eligible for a complimentary extension until December 31st, 2023 which can be requested via our Bokeh web page.
A bridging site license valid until December 31st, 2023 will be available to purchase from Peregrine for those who may still need access to legacy releases.
Thank you - Colin, Kirsten and the whole Peregrine team.